Online Giving
Give Anytime. Anywhere.
Isn’t this great?! You can now worship God with your tithe and offerings any time, anywhere! We do realize that there are times when you are away, not able to attend the services, yet would like to tithe or sow a gift into Integrity Christian Center.
To give online, simply select one of the following options:

Text “Integrity” followed by
the amount you’d like to
give to 73256
(i.e. Integrity 500)

Cash App
Give via Cash App using the cashtag: $IntegrityToday

Give via Venmo using the handle: @IntegrityChristianCenter

Integrity Christian Center
3555 Lomita Blvd. #K
Torrance, CA. 90505
Thank you for sowing in to the work of Integrity Christian Center. We believe your seed has found good ground and that you will be blessed beyond measure!